Every business has a brand, whether intentional or accidental. It’s a bit like someone’s personality… all the characteristics and beliefs that make them unique. Marketing is taking elements of this personality and exposing them to the right type of customer, in the right place and at the right time. The concepts of branding and marketing are inextricably linked; branding is the being and marketing is the doing.
It’s for this reason that always starting with the brand, approaching every client ‘Brand First’, sits at the heart of our ethos. It’s about harnessing the power of what makes your brand unique to unlock business growth. Experience tells us this approach results in marketing that has greater meaning, authenticity and impact.
Our Brand First approach developed over time as a result of how the world has changed over the past decade. The channels available to brands to engage with their audience continually. This presents a huge opportunity for brands and businesses to reach customers far and wide, but it can also mean marketing efforts fall victim to a focus on channels and tactics over a strategy that builds long term brand growth.
No matter how much the channels of communication change the challenge for brands is constant – to be distinctive, relevant, attractive and visible. Great marketing comes when brands know what they are and then use the channels available at the time that are most effective in reaching their audience.
Many marketing agencies have grown out of a specialism, or at the very least a center of gravity, be it digital, PR, print or design, making it challenging to offer a truly neutral perspective. At Curzon Marketing we specialise in marketing strategies created with the brand at the centre that we implement via any marketing medium. We have long established relationships with channel specialists to activate the brand first strategies we create for our clients.
In today's world, brands are more important than ever. They convey a standard of quality, credibility and experience that’s worth it’s weight in gold in times where customers grapple with more choice and uncertainty than ever before.
So come and talk to us about your brand, we’d relish the opportunity to start a conversation about how we can help you put your Brand First.
Drop us a line at brandfirst@curzon-marketing.co.uk or give us a call on 01394 366800.